Getting to know the user interface#
The GUI appears in the very first Window created (this means that if you prefer having the GUI in its own window, you can specify the first window as empty, i.e. no link to anything, this can be very handy). Once Splash is launched, the GUI appears by pressing Ctrl + Tab. The Splash Control Panel is divided in tabulations, as follows:

Splash control panel#
Main: contains very generic commands, like computing the blending map
Graph: shows the scene graph and allows for controlling the parameters of every object,
Medias: allows for changing input files,
Filters: shows all image filters, useful when multiple filters are used in cascade on a single input media,
Meshes: allows for changing 3D models,
Cameras: shows a global view of the projection surface, which can be switched to any of the configured Cameras. This tabulation is also used to set geometric calibration up,
Warps: this is where projection warping is modified, in these cases where the projection surface is not perfectly reproduced by the 3D model.
At the bottom of the GUI you will find performance counters, the logs as well as the current master clock.